Ah, the mango – a delectable tropical fruit that has captured the hearts (and taste buds) of Jamaicans for generations. With its vibrant hues, luscious flesh, and irresistible sweetness, it’s no wonder that this exotic delight reigns supreme in the Caribbean island’s culinary landscape. From the bustling markets to the sun-drenched orchards, mangoes are an integral part of Jamaica’s rich cultural tapestry, weaving a flavorful tale that beckons to be explored.

With a myriad of mango varieties to choose from, selecting the perfect Jamaican specimen can be a daunting task. Fear not, for this comprehensive guide will provide an overview of the island’s most beloved mangoes, equipping you with the essential facts to find your ideal Caribbean treat.

Beyond their unparalleled flavors, these tropical gems boast an abundance of vitamins A and C, as well as potassium, making them a nutritious addition to any diet.

When shopping for Jamaican mangoes, seek out fruits with bright, unblemished skin that yields slightly to gentle pressure. Whether you opt for the Bombay, Julie, East Indian Mango, Stake Mango, or White Mango variety, savor these delicacies at their peak ripeness for the ultimate flavor experience.

The East Indian Mango

Best Jamaican MangoesAmong the myriad varieties that grace Jamaica’s fertile soil, the East Indian mango stands tall as a true monarch. Introduced by Indian indentured laborers in the 19th century, this regal fruit boasts a round, sun-kissed exterior that gives way to a creamy, bright orange flesh. Its flavor profile is a harmonious symphony of sweetness, with tantalizing notes of lemon and pineapple dancing on the palate.

When selecting the perfect East Indian mango, seek specimens with evenly toned skin and minimal blemishes. A gentle squeeze should reveal a slight give, indicating optimal ripeness. For those seeking to savor its flavor at its peak, refrigeration can extend its shelf life for up to five days. Once sliced open, these tropical treasures should be stored in an airtight container and consumed within two days to prevent the loss of their sublime essence.

The Julie/Cariya Mango

Best Jamaican MangoesImagine a fruit so enticing that its mere appearance ignites a craving – that’s the Julie/Cariya mango. This oblong beauty sports a vibrant crimson hue that transitions to a golden-orange as it ripens, unveiling a creamy, light yellow flesh within. With its high sugar content, the Julie/Cariya mango delivers an unparalleled sweetness that dances across the taste buds, leaving an indelible impression.

Savored during the late summer and early fall months, this variety pairs exquisitely with savory dishes, such as grilled meats or fish, elevating the flavors to new heights. For those seeking a truly immersive experience, Villa Serenity, a luxurious Jamaican resort, offers the opportunity to indulge in fresh, tantalizing Julie mangoes plucked straight from its on-site tree.

The Long Mango: A Slender Sensation

Best Jamaican MangoesImagine a fruit that embodies the essence of Jamaica’s tropical allure – that’s the Long Mango, also known as the Silver Mango. Recognizable by its elongated shape and vibrant yellow-to-green exterior, this variety captivates with its firm yet juicy flesh and delicate, sweet flavor profile.

While the Long Mango may be a challenge to procure outside of Jamaica, its unique charm makes it well worth seeking out in local street markets or from online vendors specializing in exotic produce. This versatile fruit lends itself beautifully to marinating and grilling, infusing savory sauces with its delectable essence. Alternatively, bake it into sweet treats with a sprinkle of nutmeg, or savor it fresh, blended into refreshing smoothies, or cubed and drizzled with fruit juices.

Beyond its culinary delights, the Long Mango boasts a wealth of nutritional benefits, rich in vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and vitamin C, making it a guilt-free indulgence. Native to Jamaica, these mangoes thrive in the island’s tropical climate, their tall, twisted trees lining roadsides and fields, creating a striking visual tapestry.

As you peel away the Long Mango’s light green skin, you’ll be greeted by a smooth, golden flesh that exudes an aroma reminiscent of a sweet summer day. With its perfect balance of sweetness and tartness, it’s no wonder this fruit is one of Jamaica’s most sought-after treasures, hailing from the parish of St. Mary.

The Hairy/Stringy/Common Mango: A Familiar Favorite

Best Jamaican MangoesAh, the Hairy/Stringy/Common Mango – a variety that holds a special place in the hearts (and taste buds) of Jamaicans. Ubiquitous and beloved, this mango is a staple in households across the island, with memories of devouring them by the dozen during the sultry summer months etched into the collective consciousness.

While its name may not be the most enticing, the Hairy/Stringy/Common Mango more than makes up for it with its delectable sweetness and widespread availability. Bred with other varieties to create unique flavor profiles, this mango is a true chameleon, adapting to suit every palate.

One minor drawback, if any, is the time spent meticulously picking the fibrous strands from one’s teeth after indulging in these luscious fruits. However, for true mango aficionados, this minor inconvenience is a small price to pay for the sheer delight of savoring every morsel of this Jamaican staple. And for those who truly embrace the experience, even the skin is fair game, adding an extra layer of flavor to the culinary adventure.

The Blackie Mango: A Sweet Enigma

Best Jamaican MangoesShrouded in mystery, the Blackie Mango has captivated Jamaicans with its sweet allure and enigmatic origins. Often smaller than its Hairy/Stringy counterpart, this variety packs a punch of sweetness that belies its unassuming appearance.

While its skin may don a verdant green or golden hue, the true essence of the Blackie Mango lies within its flesh. Every bite is a celebration of flavor, as mango enthusiasts relish the opportunity to savor every last morsel, including the palatable skin (although occasional black spots may need to be discarded).

The question that lingers on many lips is: how did this delectable treat come to be known as the “Black Mango”? Perhaps it’s a nod to its dusky undertones or a remnant of its enigmatic past. Regardless of its moniker, one thing is certain – the Blackie Mango is a sweet enigma that continues to tantalize taste buds across Jamaica.

The Number Eleven Mango: A Tangy Delight

Best Jamaican MangoesFor those seeking a departure from the saccharine sweetness that dominates many mango varieties, the Number Eleven Mango offers a tantalizing alternative. With its distinctive shape and unique flavor profile, this mango has carved out a devoted following among Jamaican fruit enthusiasts.

As you sink your teeth into the firm flesh of a Number Eleven Mango, you’ll be greeted by a delightful tang that intensifies as you near the seed. This tangy twist adds an unexpected dimension to the fruit’s overall flavor, creating a delightful contrast that keeps taste buds guessing.

While the Number Eleven Mango may not be for everyone, those who embrace its unique qualities are known to savor every last drop of its juices, leaving the seed a pristine white – a testament to their dedication to this tangy treat.

Indulging in Jamaica’s Mango Mania

Whether you’re a seasoned mango connoisseur or a newcomer to the world of tropical fruits, Jamaica’s mango mania is an experience that should not be missed. From the regal East Indian Mango to the tantalizing Number Eleven, each variety offers a unique flavor profile and cultural significance that will leave you craving more.

Embark on a culinary adventure by seeking out these delectable treats in local markets, specialty grocers, or even online vendors specializing in exotic produce. Savor their sweetness fresh from the tree, or experiment with incorporating them into savory dishes, refreshing beverages, or decadent desserts.

Ending Words…

Whether you’re lounging on the sun-drenched beaches of the island or savoring the flavors from afar, let Jamaica’s mango mania transport you to a world of sweet indulgence, where every bite is a celebration of the island’s bountiful natural wonders.

For recommendations on some of the best times to visit Jamaica, you can check out our guide here.

If you’re traveling to Jamaica alone, ensure you take all the necessary measures to keep safe. Read about how you can stay safe while visiting Jamaica. If you decide to visit any resort, be sure to tag us in your photos and videos @resortcaribbean, and follow our socials: Instagram, Facebook, YouTube.



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